The Unfamiliar Familiar — Magra Books


The Unfamiliar Familiar

The Unfamiliar Familiar


Gumshoes and eerie sunlit avenues, Martha Ronk sets out on a totally new caper in this meditation on her adopted city of Los Angeles. In a place where memory is inevitably lost and history perpetually bunk, Ronk looks at daily life in which it is most difficult to separate the unfamiliar from its opposite. The Unfamiliar Familiar would do one of L.A.’s patron saints, Raymond Chandler, most proud.

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Martha Ronk is the author of ten books of poetry, and has also published a fictional memoir, Displeasures of the Table (2001), and a collection of fiction, Glass Grapes and other stories (2008). Later this year a forthcoming collection of poetry, Ocular Proof, will appear from Omnidawn. Martha Ronk lives and works in Los Angeles.

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