Magra Books Launch: Martha Ronk & Dennis Phillips
January 29, 2017 | 4pm–5pm | Poetic Research Bureau
Please join us Sunday, January 29, from 4 to 5pm, at the Poetic Research Bureau (951 Chung King Rd., Los Angeles), in celebrating the inaugural season of titles from the independent publisher, Magra Books. Reading from their new books will be Martha Ronk, The Unfamiliar Familiar, and Dennis Phillips, Desert Sequence. Part of the presentation will be a memorial tribute to Ray DiPalma (1943-2016), whose For a Curved Surface is also one of Magra’s initial offerings.
Based in Los Angeles and Tuscany, Magra Books is a series of chapbooks, printed in editions of 300 copies, featuring unique works by important writers. Each volume, typically 32 pages in length, presents writers who are up to the all-encompassing challenge of producing work that strives to make “news that stays news.” Writers who are passionate about language, language that knows no borders.
Hosting the event will be Paul Vangelisti and Sean Pessin, part of Magra Book’s editorial staff.
Poetic Research Bureau
951 Chung King Rd.
Los Angeles, CA 90012